APT Storage provides a revenue stream to your financial bottom line!
This innovative amenity will provide a new revenue source for your apartment communities and requires no capital expenditure.
APT Storage pays a percentage of the storage rental revenue to each apartment owner/community as follows:
Based on a 128 sq ft/building, at 96 -100% occupancy, and receiving 25% of the total rental revenue, the following chart shows the estimated potential projected annual revenue for your property:
APT Storage adds value to your bottom line!
If your leasing staff closes just ten more apartment leases a year because your property offers APT Storage as a “one-up” over the competition, that would mean this free amenity could increase your property’s NOI by the following:
A lease of $800 per month x 12 month lease = $9,600 per lease x 10 leases = $96,000.00 per year!!
An amenity your residents need, increased apartment rentals, additional revenue, all at NO COST to you! Why wouldn’t you choose APT Storage for your communities?